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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP)
Teens and young adults are a very high-risk group for mental health issues such as anxiety, mood disorders, self-harm, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. Unfortunately--and sometimes with tragic results--many do not receive mental health services. Others struggle, sometimes for years, to find the right help.
In response, the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services provided Southwest Regional Mental Health Board with funding to involve young people in determining how to use technology to help young adults engage in mental health services. The project has been informed & staffed by CT young adults from inception. Following a data-collection stage, the Young Adult Advisory Group developed the concept for a website providing online peer support and information to guide the search for mental wellness.
Today the website features a Q&A Guide, videotaped discussions among young people in recovery, an online discussion forum, young adults' personal stories and blogs, a media room, monthly features, and a map of recommended resources around the state. Visitors can post their own stories, art, videos, and information on great locations. We also record podcasts with groups of young people on a regular basis. was launched in September 2014 and has since received two awards and been featured at a national CDC conference on health information. We are grateful to DMHAS, the CT STRONG Project, Beacon Health Options and the Kenworthy-Swift Foundation for their financial support for this project.
For materials or to have a young adult staff member attend an event or give a presentation, please email the project leader, Eliza.
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