The Hub: Organizacja działań na rzecz zdrowia behawioralnego dla południowo-zachodniej tomografii komputerowej
Oddział Regionalnego Partnerstwa na Rzecz Społecznej Działań Młodzieży Dorosłych (RYASAP)
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L.E.T.S Save Lives
śr., 13 gru
|Burroughs Community Center
An Introduction to Suicide Prevention for the Black Community.
Czas i lokalizacja
13 gru 2023, 12:00 – 13:30
Burroughs Community Center , 2470 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605, USA
O wydarzeniu
This presentation will cover what we know about mental health and suicide, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to help save lives.
Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs in Black and African American communities, as well as how to keep ourselves, our loved ones and those in our community safe.
This presentation was developed by suicide prevention experts from the Black community and is intended for audiences that identify as Black or African American. This program will be delivered by trained presenters from the Black community