The Hub: Organizacja działań na rzecz zdrowia behawioralnego dla południowo-zachodniej tomografii komputerowej
Oddział Regionalnego Partnerstwa na Rzecz Społecznej Działań Młodzieży Dorosłych (RYASAP)
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Narcan Training of Trainers (TOT)
wt., 31 paź
Naloxone (Narcan) is a life saving tool that reverses opioid overdoses. If you are interested in becoming a trainer to teach others how to administer Narcan, please sign up for our free two-day Narcan TOT! Details are below.
Czas i lokalizacja
31 paź 2023, 09:00 – 01 lis 2023, 13:00
Bridgeport, 2470 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06605, USA
O wydarzeniu
The Narcan TOT will take place over two sessions. Attendance to both sessions is mandatory to become a trainer.
By attending this TOT, you will become a trainer and it is expected that you will follow best practices and procedures. The Hub will provide you with the Narcan slide deck and Narcan kits for your trainings.
Both sessions are in-person at Burroughs Community Center in Bridgeport.
Session 1: October 31st, 9AM - 1PM
Session 2: November 1st, 9AM - 1PM
Food will be provided.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kaitlin and Victoria: