The Hub: Организация действий в области поведенческого здоровья для Юго-Западной Коннектикута
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Bridgeport Public Schools Prevention Week Trainings (Cannabis)
чт, 16 мая
This training will review cannabis and different forms, the difference between THC and CBD, high potency marijuana, affects on youth and brain development, current statistics and public health implications due to the recent legalization of adult-use cannabis.
Время и место
16 мая 2024 г., 15:00 – 16:00
О событии
Monday, May 13th, 3PM - 4PM: Narcan (Naloxone)
Tuesday, May 14th, 3PM - 5PM: Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
Wednesday, May 15th, 3PM - 4PM: Gambling & Gaming
Thursday, May 16th, 3PM - 4PM: Vaping
Friday, May 17th, 3PM - 4PM: Cannabis